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Query about the coverage of the cost of drugs

The pharmacist, from whom i get the drugs for my child all these years, has informed me that I have to pay the drugs in advance, deposit the invoices and get my money back after several months. I cannot afford to pay this kind of money every month. What can I do if I need tadim® (colistimethate sodium powder) for my child (315 euros x 2 every month). My social security is OGA
Dear friend,
Unfortunately I cannot help you, since I do not know how your social security chooses to cooperate with the pharmacists, especially during this period of unrest in our country, when major changes in policies regarding health care and health care provisions to the chronically ill take place. However, I advise you to contact the greek CF associations, & for more updated information regarding your issue.
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
Karleen De Rijcke, president of Cystic Fibrosis Europe, informed us that the Greek CF Associations are collaborating with Cystic Fibrosis Europe to find solutions to improve the access to treatments for all patients in Greece. Unfortunately the situation is severe and urgent and a ready solution is not in sight. Intensive efforts are going on.
D. d'Alquen