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6% NaCl

Dear expert team,

I have noticed that inhaling 8ml hypertonic saline twice a day with the eFlow® is more mucolytic than the usual inhalation dose (4 ml twice a day).

Is there anything to be said against this higher dose?

Many greetings

In published studies with hypertonic saline the dose was smaller and most patients inhale a smaller dosis, mostly 4ml once or twice a day. However, it has to be said that the effect especially in case of hypertonic saline is very different in each patient. Some do not tolerate it well and therefore do not use it, some are very satisfied with it because coughing up is easier and the mucus can be solved better with physiotherapy and autogenic drainage, and all this with [inhalation] once or twice a day; some with less than 4ml, but some with more. If you tolerate it well and if the airways are not irritated too much (sometimes mucus is produced with the inhalation which has not been there before) and if your CF doctor in charge can read from your lung function that it is good for you, then there would be nothing to be said against it.

Many thanks,
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bargon