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Emergency water supply -- what to do?

Dear expert team,

due to road work until September 2012, our village has installed an emergency water supply system with thin hoses (4 cm in diameter) which is supposed to be put into operation next week after flushing and disinfection. According to the person in charge, this is permissible temporarily, even though the water will be significantly warmer. It is not recommended as drinking water. But what can I do prophylactically apart from letting the water run for a longer time before using it? To me, washing lettuce with boiled water seems unrealistic, and our nine-year-old son, who has CF, has to shower/wash/brush his teeth as well, after all. I am quite at a loss.
Dear questioner,

the recommendation not to use the water from the hoses as drinking water points to the risk of bacterial contamination. I would recommend having the water tested bacteriologically for Pseudomonas germs once a week, for which the village should cover the cost in this particular case. If the results are negative, I would not see any risk for your son in showering or washing lettuce. For drinking and brushing his teeth, on the other hand, I would use bottled water.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Gerd Döring