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Are there any contraindications to using the Finnish sauna with CF?

I am basing my answer to your question on an older answer by Dr. von Mallinckrodt of the expert group on this topic as well as on the hygiene guideline “Hygiene Requirements with CF” from 2012.

Generally speaking, there are no objections to CF patients using the sauna, provided that their general physical condition allows it. This has to be assessed by the treating doctor, as there are several reasons that prohibit using the sauna, such as infective exacerbation (worsening of the condition due to an acute infection), poor general condition or congestions in the pulmonary circulation (cor pulmonale).

The risk of infection with pseudomonas in a Finnish sauna is rather low, since the temperatures in the sauna are high and the climate is very dry, which is unfavourable to germ growth.

For the vaporization or the bath/swim after the sauna, the same rules for going to the pool apply. According to the “Hygiene Requirements with CF,” patients with CF can visit public pools. If the preparation of the pool water is done according to the approved technical rules, the risk of pseudomonas exposition is very low. We would advise against using steam saunas, though, since they feature lower temperatures and a humid climate in which pseudomonas germs can grow very well and pose a problem for the patient. Even a good hygienic condition of the steam sauna can minimize that risk only partially.

Kind regards
Dr. Christina Smaczny