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I would like to know what influence has the bacteria simia on cystic fibrosis
I do not know this bacterium. By interviewing bacteriologists, Mycobacterium simiae name was mentioned. Is it this bacteria? If so, this is an acid-fast bacillus (same family as the tuberculosis bacillus, also called non-tuberculous or atypical mycobacteria), and found in nature or stagnant water inside or outside. Non tuberculous mycobacteria have been proven responsible in some respiratory exacerbations in patients with cystic fibrosis. If this is the case, the treatment combines several antibiotics (oral, inhaled and often intravenous) and must frequently be extended a year or more.
To my knowledge, it was found in only one patient in a French study conducted in 2004, but seems more frequent in Israel.

If it is not Mycobacterium simiae, could you please give more precise information.


Dr Sophie Ravilly