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Perfume (fragance) diffusers

Do you think that synthetic perfume (fragance) diffusers may be dangerous for lungs? Can we use them when our 2 years old girl is in the same location? Best regards. Thanks.
Hello and thanks for your question.
Most of the perfume (fragance) diffusers generate aerosolized particles of similar characteristics than particles of aerosolized drugs. They also contain numerous compounds and excipients. Consequently, these particles may penetrate and may be deposited into the respiratory airways. Few published studies show that the perfume (fragance) diffusers, but also some hair sprays, are at little respiratory risk in normal healthy individuals. On the other hand, in the presence of an airway inflammation, a clinical response (cough, wheeze) is possible. As airway inflammation is a usual condition in cystic fibrosis, the use of perfume diffusers is not advised.
I hope to have answered to your question. Best regards.
Prof Jean-Christophe DUBUS