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Mustard-oil as acitve agent in Cystic Fibrosis


I have another question that is important to me.

The institute for environmental medicine and hospital sanitation (university hospital Freiburg, Germany) made a study about bacteria (among others Pseudomonas) and a drug with mustard oil as acitve agent with good results ("the trade name was given in the question but replaced by the information on content and active components by the editor for legal reasons").

What do you think about a high-dose administration (according to the producer) of this drug in acute infections in Cystic Fibrosis?

And what do you think about a long-term (e.g. during winter time) low-dose administration (2-3 tablets a day) as a prophylaxis in order to counteract against infections with Pseudomonas and the exacerbation connected to it?

Could you write me your opinion about this topic?

Many thanks!

The metioned durg contains narturtium and roots of horseradish, acitve agent mustard oil. The trade name was given in the question but replaced by the information on content and active components by the editor for legal reasons.
The study from Freiburg was an "in-vitro"-study, in other words, the efficacy was proven in a test-tube (in vitro). However, the authors deduct a possible efficacy for the treatment (not prophylaxis) of infections of the airways and the urinary tract. Always the same authors publish data (only the name of the pharmaceutical enterprise is changing for which the authors work) about a phrophylactical efficacy in recurring infections of the urinary tract.

Generally speaking, enterprises are not considered being neutral – the danger of taking influence with regards to the results cannot be excluded. The studies are not limited to certain pathogenic agents. Studies about the secured effects in infections of the airways or in CF do not exist according to my knowledge.

The data is not sufficient for a recommendation.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner