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Multi-resistant Pseudomonas after lung transplant

Our 24-year-old son has been having multi-resistant Pseudomonas for ca. 18 months now. He received a lung transplant three weeks ago. Since he was in an induced coma four weeks prior to the transplantation, he does not have any muscles anymore and is now still in intensive care. What about the disinfection of our house and especially of his room and all his clothes? Which things can be disinfected how? Which have to be discarded in order for him not to catch multi-resistant germs again?

Kind regards.
Dear questioner,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a germ that is particularly comfortable in a humid environment, and hence unfortunately also in the lungs of CF patients. In the hospital, such patients have to be isolated from other patients especially in case the germ shows multiple resistances against various antibiotics. Concerning disinfection after leaving the room, the common surface disinfectants such as Terralin Protect® (0.5%, contact time: one hour) or Perform® (0.5%, contact time: one hour) are sufficient for disinfection of wipeable surfaces. If possible, you should wash your son's clothes in the washer at 95 degrees. In case a garment does not allow for that, there is also the option of adding supplements for hygienic cleaning offered by various manufacturers (e.g. Sagrotan®, Persil®). Bed sheets and towels should also be washed.

Best wishes for your son's recovery,
Barbara Kahl