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Resorption of vitamins

Dear Sir or Madam,

due to diverse deficiency symptoms I take several mineral and vitamin supplements. However, apparently these are not absorbed by the body since the deficiencies – according to the blood count – do not change at all…! (selenium deficiency, vitamins H, E, D, K, magnesium and calcium).

Can you give me an advise? What about vitamin shots? Is this a possiblity to have a better utilisation because the gastrointestinal-tract is bypassed?

Many thanks for your help,

Dear questioner,

A specific answer to your question is currently not possible since important additional details are missing, e.g. which kind of absorption deficiencies you have, what has been replaced by which agent so far? The "blood count" is not suitable for diagnosing a deficiency of vitamin D or K, for example. For this, other tests – partly also of the blood – are necessary. Generally speaking, some agents can be given as a shot so that the intestinal absorption can be avoided. So far for the moment. […]

Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner