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Fireplace and CF

Ι have a five year old boy with CF. Up till now we used air-conditioning for heating the house. This year we decided to buy a woodstove. Since nothing works perfectly (e.g. there may be smoke leakage), would you recommend the use of a stove or fireplace (with or without pellets) for people with CF?
Dear friend,
The way financial conditions are nowadays in Greece, many have decided to stop using central heating and air-conditioning and started using fireplaces and woodstoves.
There is no relative bibliography regarding the effect of the use of wood as fuel for heating in the lungs of people with CF.
What has been shown is that the symptoms of children with asthma have been exacerbated after exposure to burning fireplaces.
Since there is no specific bibliography personally I would recommend, if you cannot afford to use central heating to use a a good woodstove which would be accompanied by a good chimney, in order to minimize the leaking of smoke in the house.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Anna Katelari