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School Canteen

My daughter will start kindergarten in September. She has Cystic Fibrosis. I work and my daughter will go to the canteen and then I wondered if the canteen meals were adequate (Calories, fats and salt). If not, are packed lunches as those that already exist for children with allergy, a possibility ? What are the steps? Thank you for this web site and all the work you doing. Best regards.
Meals are usually balanced and tailored to each child attending a school canteen. Allergic children have specific baskets because some foods are strictly prohibited. In the context of cystic fibrosis no food is forbidden. However, we advise parents to enrich the child’s diet and to have a greater salt intake.
When registering your child in school, you have to notify the head teacher of the need for Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This will give you the name of the referent school doctor and information in order to establish a IEP.
This document will allow you to write down your child’s specific needs (taking pancreatic enzymes, hygiene, care, snack .....) with people involved (doctor, nurse, teacher, parents ...) and eventually with a representative of the office of Mayor if involved in the school canteen.
Do not forget that dialogue is important and that nothing is impossible with the good will of everyone.
Catherine Tuysuzian