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Antibiotics only because of common cold?

Dear expert team,

Our daughter (19 months; diagnosed since about 7 months) never had an infection and according to the physiotherapist and the CF center her lungs are absolutely free. Thanks to Kreon® (Pancreatin) her weight is okay as well. Since two days she has a common cold and I am not sure if we have to go to the CF center or to the pediatrician for this reason. She has no cough. We are still pretty insecure, we do not want to be worried in an exaggerated way but not be careless either. We are looking for a good middle course.
Many thanks.

it is very good to hear that your child has hardly had any problems with the airways so far. However: If the "lungs are free" and the physiotherapist could not find any pathological findings it is to be assumed, though, that there will be a patho-physiological change in the lungs. (…) Every viral infection is paving the way for bacterial infections! If there are currently no microbiological bacteria findings and if radiologically no changes are visible, then you can wait a while in case of a common cold without coughing attacks at nighttime. But if the nasal discharge is changing colour and if productive cough occurs, an antibiotic therapy which is effective against Staphylococci should be started for 10-14 days.

Dr. H.-E. Heuer