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New drug for ΔF508 as of March 2013?

This question is addressed directly to Prof. Dr. Burkhard Tümmler [original question was asked on the German platform of ECORN-CF]:

Is it true that there will be a new drug on the market as of March 2013 which is supposed to make a "normal" healthy life possible for CF individuals with type ΔF508?


We received the following answer from Prof. Tümmler:

"(…) as far as I know there will be no drug on the market as of March 2013 that will make a "normal" healthy life possible for CF individuals with type ΔF508.
I know, though, that so called correctors for F508del CFTR are currently being tested in phase II and phase III studies."

Best regards
B. Tümmler
Find more under the following Q/A:

D. d'Alquen