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Individualized education plan (IEP) at school

Hello. My daughter starts school in September. I've asked the CF centre following my daughter if it was possible to make an IEP with them. They replied that there were no need to write one and a certificate for medicines and prescriptions would be sufficient.
I'm a little stressed by this response. The school that will host my daughter asked for a IEP. I will contact the local doctor, but I do not know if he will know all the needed details.
Can you tell me the essential content of a IEP for this condition?
Thank you very much for this site and for your work.
it is important to write and sign this document as IEP can record the conditions of schooling for your child, taking into account her specific needs and the particular context of the school (hardware, medical and educational). Most often it is the CF centre who does it, because the team knows the child, the needs and particularities of cystic fibrosis.
You will find below the link to our website [in French langauge as this question comes from the French website, relating to a country specific instrument for education]. You can view and / or print our brochure and application form specific to IEP cystic fibrosis. You can also join our school/studies specialist: scolarite@vaincrelamuco;.org


Dr Sophie Ravilly and Delphine Lambert (scholl/studies specialist)