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phage therapy

I learned today about the existence of phage therapy.
What about the study of this technique on anti-infective treatment (Pseudomonas) in CF? Is it a line of research to be taken seriously? Is it already proven or is it to forget? I’m a CF patient and nobody never talked to me about this technique.
Is it true that some patients go in Eastern Europe (where this therapy is used frequently) to be treated with phage?
Thank you for your reply and for all the work you do.
Best regards.
Phage therapy consist in the use of viruses (phages) to treat bacterial infections. Phages have a specific activity for each type of bacteria. The use of phages against infection was developed in the 70’s, primarily to treat superficial wounds, such as infections occurring in burned patients. In CF, the prospect of using phage therapy to fight against infections is interesting, especially as an alternative to the use of antibiotics. Nevertheless, today, works in this area are at the level of basic research. The first results obtained, particularly in the context of a project developed at the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and funded by “Vaincre la Mucoviscidose” (French CF Association), are encouraging but must be pursued before considering a transfer to clinical trials. In summary, at present, no study has demonstrated the efficacy of phage therapy in CF. Similarly, there are no scientific results to confirm the safety of phage therapy. In the current state of knowledge, it is not reasonable to recommend that CF patients inhale cocktails of phages.
Best regards,
Franck Dufour (Director of the Research Department, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose)