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Caries and braces in CF

Hello dear experts,

Is there a higher caries risk for CF patients which would, e.g., make necessary a special treatment in case of orthodontistic measures? The question is not about the treatment at an orthodontist in general but the point is if special provisions have to be made before getting braces (e.g. a special sealing of the teeth). [with "braces" we mean a fixed "brace", not a retainer that can be removed]

Many thanks for your efforts!

During an orthodontistic treatment with braces or bands there is a higher caries risk but more due to the more difficult cleaning possibilities and less because of suffering from Cystic Fibrosis (a higher risk exists if your child has little or very viscous saliva). An appropriate remedy is careful oral hygiene (e.g. with special tiny brush for the embrasures), weekly usage of concentrated fluoride supplement (fluid or gel) and a special sealing. For the sealing the following is done: After adherence of the orthodontistic braces at the dental practice, a liquid, light curing synthetic lacquer is applied on the teeth areas next to the brackets and then cured. This prophylactic measure helps to protect the teeth against decalcification and will have to be paid for privately.

Best regards,
Michael Sies