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Phage therapy

I read your answers concerning the phage therapy, however, reading many articles and getting information in TV-shows [the concrete links are left out her as they were in French], we wonder if due to pharmaceutical lobbying that phage therapy is not used case-by-case. Indeed, only the development of a "cocktail" would seem to be profitable, therefore in Hungary it seems already well advanced.
My question is, are there any serious people in France that could be contacted for testing phage therapy against the Pseudomonas aeruginosa?

The french's cystic fibrosis association, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose is funding, since 1 year, the project of Mr. Laurent Debarbieux (researcher at Institut Pasteur, Paris) who is working on the phages efficacy. This work is still in basic science stage. You can find a synopsis of this project on the web site of the french association:

I hope I have answered your question.
Best regards,
Anna Ronayette