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Aromatherapy: thesis about cleaning air with essential oils
- Question
- Hello,
I just wanted to bring your attention to this thesis from the poytechnical university of Lausanne in Switzerland from 2005:
When will medical CF teams be trained on the topic of aromatherapy, in the context of a complementary approach of current medical care?
"With a view to proposing an indoor air purification method based on the germicidal and odorant properties of essential oils, we selected:
-Pathogenic test strains : Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-Afnor NF T72-281 protocol for the disinfection of surfaces through the air,
which showed the germicidal activity of antimicrobial agents used in gaseous
-A specific experimental apparatus
-Some of the most active essential oils: mountain savory, thyme thymol,
oregano (vulgare) as well as cinnamon bark.
The protocol was applied to a chemical reference compound of hospitals, the
formaldehyde as well as to phenol rich essential oils.
We demonstrated that the tested essential oils in gaseous phase do have a lethal effect on all bacteria that have been exposed to them, even in small doses".
Thank you - Answer
- Hello,
Thank you for this information that will be shared via the ECORN forum.
However, the context is quite far from conditions related to the growth of bacteria in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis. If this work - although not published as a scientific article - is interesting, they only apply to the indoor air purification and ventilation systems sanitation. You can not extrapolate these results in human health without carrying out clinical trials. Furthermore contamination by Staph. aureus or P. aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis is to my knowledge rarely related to ventilation systems.
Dr. Sophie Ravilly
- 15.05.2013