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Insurance in Canada


I contact you cause I meet with many refusals by repatriation and liability insurances because of the medical questionnaire in which I included cystic fibrosis.

I'm looking for insurance for 3 months and my departure approaches: still without any assurance that agrees to take care of me.

Access to insurance is sine qua non for my entry into the canadian territory.

I'm on the point of looking for a contract that excludes the disease, with just something covering the rest of accidents or care non-related to CF.

Could you help me?

Best regards
Dear Questionner,

It's difficult to give you a precise answer.

The ECORN international group of experts has published a guide on travel and cystic fibrosis. You could find some answers regarding insurance on page 15 (to download the guide, click on the link "Travelling with CF" in the right menu).

Alternatively, you can contact different persons that may give you a concrete answer:
- first of all, the social worker of your CF centre;
- the French Cystic Fibrosis Association: several social workers of the quality department are used to this type of question. They can refer you to an insurance firm that does not rule out CF;
- the CF Canadian adults Committee (

I hope I have helped you.
Best regards,
Laetitia Guéganton