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Training to perform intravenous antibiotic treatment - traning for care for relatives

My husband has CF. It's more and more difficult to find nurses who agree to stay at home during the time intravenous antibiotics are given. I would like to receive training and be allowed to prepare and perform the intravenous antibiotics. Could you tell me if this kind of training exists and if so, where should I go to ? Thank you for your answer because at each preparation of homecare hospitalization, we do not know if my husband will get the care he needs in acceptable conditions.
For various reasons, the situation you describe for the realization of application of intravenous antibiotics at home is quite common: lack of availability of nurses or patients who want to be more independent. To my knowledge, there is no formal training, for patients or parents, that would give you official permission to perform the intravenous antibiotic treatment for your husband. Today, only a few specific nursing care elements can be taught to parents and have a legal framework.
The plan for the improvement of quality of life of people with chronic diseases (2007/2011) was designed to meet the many challenges faced daily by people with chronic diseases. The plan aims to allow caregivers to perform some nursing care in some chronic diseases. To date this measure is not effective and the plan did not move forward in this area.
But solutions can be considered and I suggest you talk to the coordinating nurse of the CF centre of your husband to find an answer for your situation so that intravenous homecare takes place in a more serene setting and in the best conditions for you and your husband.
Good luck
Marythé Kerbrat