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Alternative medicine
- Question
- Hello,
I am a CF patient of 26 years, and I often ask myself about the benefits that could bring homeopathy herb therapy, aromatherapy ... What I call "alternative medicine".
In the treatment of CF, I deplore the fact that one focuses almost exclusively to treatment with traditional drugs. Far from having the idea to replace them, I'm sure (or rather, I guess) that the combination of conventional treatment and alternative medicine would be beneficial.
Are these complementary approaches explored?
What advice would you give?
Thank you. - Answer
- Hello and thank you for your question on a topic that is often raised by patients, parents, and that has already been the subject of nine french questions in ECORN-CF (38 in the central archive):
You can find them by clicking on the keywords: "complementary medicine".
As with many chronic diseases for which conventional treatments are often symptomatic treatments, the question of welfare and complementary approaches is raised by patients. If some "therapies" are beneficial for the well-being they bring, few have benefited from randomized clinical trials that allow to prove with certainty their superior efficacy to placebo. It is true that for many, achieving a double-blind trial is impractical. The user surveys can yield a benefit to patients, but the interpretation is difficult because the decision comes from the patient (or parent) and not from a prescription whose responsibility is carried by a doctor.
Even if there is no "scientific" publication to my knowledge on acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, approaches related to physical exercise have proven their benefits. Singing is appreciated by many patients and of interest is not having side effects, although a recent meta-analysis is not conclusive on its profits. There are also publications on hypnosis for the treatment of some pain. A recent French study has however failed to prove the significance of osteopathy for the treatment of pain in cystic fibrosis.
Regarding nutritional supplements, turmeric, garlic, fish oils seem interesting in vitro, but again the evidence and the dosage in humans are not yet known precisely. For turmeric (curcumin), after a major craze, blown fell and questions arise about the potential risks at high doses and possible interactions with other therapies.
I encourage you to discuss approaches that you feel attracted to, together with your CF team to know whether they are appropriate to your situation and if they do not have known risks.
Dr. Sophie Ravilly - 25.06.2013