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Septic tank

Hello, we have a house with a septic tank so I can not put bleach every day in the lines. I want to know what can I use to disinfect instead of the bleach, everyday? Thank you
I suggest you clean your septic tank with white vinegar. White vinegar contains acetic acid known to have antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Microbiological studies have shown that cleaning with household vinegar significantly reduced the presence of bacteria
(look at ecorn:

The household use white vinegar is safe for septic systems, you can use it pure and warmed for the surfaces or diluted (1/2 bowl of vinegar to 2 liters of water) and leave it overnight in the toilet bowl.
Maintain your septic system regularly (especially in periods of antibiotics). One advises to put every week in the toilet an expired yoghurt (getting it out of the fridge about a day before). Also plan to clean your septic tank every 2 years by a specialized company.
Best regards
Marythé Kerbrat