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contraception in cystic fibrosis

Is there a special recommended oral contraceptive in cystic fibrosis?
Dear questioner,
Contraception is widely used in cystic fibrosis (about 70% of CF women in a north american study published in 2008 in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis). The use of an oral estrogen-progesterone is the most common. It seems that there is no more failure of efficacy in CF-patients than in general population, particularly regarding gastrointestinal absoprtion or concomittant medications.
A recent British study showed no differences in pulmonary function between women with or without oral contraceptive pill. More recent publications suggest the role of oestradiol on pulmonary exacerbations with pseudomonas in cystic fibrosis. But we don't have any study to support the use of a specific oral contraception in cystic fibrosis women.
Best regards,
Pr Isabelle Durieu