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Trip to England

My 16 year old daughter is going to spend two weeks this summer in England in Bournemouth. Is it possible to find a respiratory physiotherapist or will she have to do the physio herself ?
There are in England as in France specialized CF centers that include physiotherapists in their multidisciplinary teams. The organization of physiotherapy at home or in private practice, however, is rather peculiar in France. It is likely that your daughter will have difficulties in finding an available physiotherapist in England except if she goes to the hospital for a pulmonary exacerbation. To find the contacts of the UK CF centers, click on the following link (you will find the contact of the Southampton CF Center, the closest from Bornemouth - about 60 kms):

You can also take the opportunity of this trip to prepare your daughter to get more autonomy in her care. Do not hesitate to contact your CRCM to ask if your daughter can benefit from therapeutic education sessions to improve the knowledge of her disease and to develop her adaptation skills in dayly life in order to :
- secure proper hydration and additional salt intake,
- find transiently acceptable alternatives to overcome the lack of usual physiotherapy (physical activity, respiratory movements, singing ...),
- If not, consider attending an autogenic drainage training course.
Wishing your daughter to spend good holiday in England.
Dr. Gilles Rault
