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Mould fungus Scedosporium

Hello team,

I am 38 years old and have CF. A couple of days ago I had the lung findings of scedosporium mould fungus. My physician said that this fungus cannot be treated. Is there a treatment anyhow or can I hope that the fungus disappears without treatment?
The only symptom is increased cough.

Best regards,

Dear Simon,

I assume that you mean with „lung findings of scedosporium” that germs were detected in the sputum. You would like to know if you can possibly lose the germ and if there is a treatment against the fungus. Scedosporiums belong to the group of mould fungi and are usually not dangerous for healthy persons; only in persons with a clearly weakened immune system they can become a pathogen (CF patients usually do not have a weakened immune system). A transfer from human being to human being is not known. The germ is found in the environment in the ground and in the water and usually enters the body by inhaling the spores. In the literature (Cimon et al.*) a rare occurrence of germs in CF patients (8,6%) is described. In 1,5% of the CF patients that were colonised with this germ there were symptoms that were similar to the troubles of an ABPA (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis). A treatment is only justified in patients that have this kind of troubles (like in ABPA) or invasive fungus infection. A colonisation (detection without symptoms or other findings) does not require a therapy. It is also possible to lose scedosporium sponaneously.

The [German] CF hygiene guidelines do not recommend any specific measures (besides the standard hygiene measures) for the contact with patients that are colonised or infected by scedosporium.

* Cimon B, Carrere J, Vinatier JF, Chazalette JP, Chabasse D, Bouchara JP. Clinical significance of Scedosporium apiospermum in patients with cystic fibrosis. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2000;19:53–56.

I hope to have been helpful with this answer.

Best regards,
Dr. Christina Smaczny