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Bluish toenails


I have cystic fibrosis, am 35 years old and have an FEV 1 of 85%. However, I always have bluish toenails without other findings; oxygen saturation is alright. What can be the reason for this? Is this critical?


Only knowing the FEV 1 is very little information to assess the situation. If only the toenails are concerned and not the fingers and the lips, this is unordinary and rather not coming from the lungs. Nevertheless, you should show this to your doctor who can then – knowing a more exact medical history (when are the toenails bluish, what causes an increase of this, etc.) – arrange for further examinations to clarify this phenomenon. However, this phenomenon can also occur without pathological value or without having serious reasons or consequences – then it is only a blemish and does not have to be treated. Please clarify this with your doctor.

Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bargon