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Life expectancy after lung transplantation

Hello, I would like to know, what is the life expectancy after a lung transplant?
The transplant was done about fifteen years ago. Thank you.
Hello and thank you for your question, which is pertinent as well as interesting.
The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Registry data indicate that the half-life of a pulmonary graft (and consequently of a the patient) is about 7.5 years if we consider all patients transplanted for CF at day zero of surgery. This number goes up to 10.4 years if we only analyse patients, who have already survived the first year after the transplant. This is a pretty mathematical estimation. Beyond the first year, their are no estimations available but it would be a good idea to separate analyses for patients, who have already lived 5 to 10 years after the transplant. Other patients probably ask themselves the same question. So, in fact, I am unable to answer your question more precisely in general and certainly not for your individual case. Your life expectancy depends on the fact if you have (yes or no) developed bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome AND if YES, at which rate it is progressing, AND also on the fact if you have developed other important cardio-vascular or metabolic complications.
It is worth to discuss this with your doctor! If the question was: "Is there a certain moment from which on the transplanted lung does not function anymore?“ then the answer is NO; their is no known period beyond which a transplanted lung does not work anymore.

Best regards,

Christiane Knoop