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Horvi therapy

Can a therapy with Horvi snake poison enzymes positively influence the illness of CF concerning chronic inflammatory parameters, susceptibility for infections and the further course of the illness?
Many thanks for your answer!
Dear questioner,
You want to know if a therapy with Horvi snake poison enzymes can influence positively the course of the illness of CF via decrease of the chronic inflammation and reduction of the susceptibility for infections. Horvi preparations are products on an enzymatic basis that are used in natural medicine and by alternative practitioners. The products are produced in the Netherlands, are licensed there as an enzyme preparation (not as a drug!) and can be imported to Germany. In the conventional medicine, these preparations are not used for the indication chronic inflammation, especially in case of CF. To our knowledge, there are no clinical studies and literature about Horvi therapies and its usage in case of CF. Horvi enzymes are titled as preparations with non-proven efficacy.
In case such a therapy is considered indeed for a CF patient, we recommend urgently a communication in advance between the alternative practitioner who has proven experience with the usage of Horvi enzymes and the treating CF-physician of the CF patient.

Best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny und Dr. pharm. Eva-Maria Miserre