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Drying clothes

How long takes the pyo to develop in clothes?
My question is, on the one hand, related to the drying of laundry out of the washing machine and, the other in connection with the use of towels and hand towels.
What about if you forget the clothes clean but still wet in the dryer? Is there a risk of development of pyo?
Thank you for your response.

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium lives in a humid environment and dies quickly on a dry surface.

If your clothes dry in a reasonable time, the bacteria should not develop.
If you forget the clothes still wet in the dryer, dry it again because the drying temperature will kill any bacteria that may be present.

In our own CF Center, we recommend:
- everybody to use his own towels
- To dry between two uses (for example with a dry-towel) or to change them every day.
This does not apply to all members of the family but a weekly systematic towel change seems reasonable.

However, contamination by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is possible and unpredictable, even if all the conditions of hygiene are met and do not feel guilty in this situation.

I hope these items will help you answer
Yann Kerneur