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CF and sailing yacht?


We are thinking about buying a small yacht (sailboat) for our vacations. However, we have a daughter (5 years old) with CF.

We are a bit worried about the bacterial load in the water tanks used for showering, washing, etc. Is it sufficient to put chlorine additives or other, similar additives intended for this use into these tanks, or do you assess the risk of infection with problem germs as high? What about the pipes on a sailboat – could they potentially also be contaminated with germs?

Many thanks.
Dear questioner,

The water supply on sailing yachts has to be assessed similarly to that in caravans. Unfortunately those water tanks are particularly prone to be colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Pseudomonas germs or non-fermenters. It would therefore be advisable to use a ceramic water filter, which you can buy at a reasonable price in outdoor stores. For refilling, you can then use the suggested Micropur® (classic).

Apart from this, sailing is unproblematic for CF patients.

Kind regards
Barbara Kahl