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Risk of infection at the skating-rink?


Does the ice of a skating-rink contain germs? Or more simply, is skating-rink prohibited or recommended?

Thank you very much
Dear questioner,

The ice of a skating-rink is not sterile because it comes from the city water pipelines.
But in a solid state, it doesn't seem to present a risk of inhalation of microorganisms contained in the ice, and at this temperature, there is no development of germs possible.

To my knowledge, there's no case of microbial contamination following attendance at a skating-rink.

Physical activity is recognized as a therapeutic element in the management of cystic fibrosis and is highly recommended by doctors. So ice-skating could bring a physical, moral and social well-being. Don't forget to dress warmly because the skating-ring is often cold and remember to drink regularly even if the sensation of having hot is not felt.

Long live sport!
Best regards,
Yann Kerneur