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Musical instrument and physiotherapy

I would like an answer to a thought I had. Physiotherapy is a boring part for our children. They do it, they understand its value, but they are bored. What if it could be turned into a game (without losing its value of course), such as playing a music instrument, not in order to get an diploma, but as a simple daily 20 minute long lesson for exercising the lungs? The child benefits from the music and it accomplishes more than just blowing at a paper napkin or a toy windmill. Of course the instrument would be cleaned daily and I am talking about simple instruments, such as a flute.
Dear friend,
Physiotherapy is an essential and very important part of the daily treatment of CF, regardless of the age of the patient. As you correctly mention, sometimes children find it boring and we should always seek ways to make it more attractive to children, in order for them to perform it daily and as many times as necessary.
Learning to play a musical instrument, although beneficial for the body and the character of the child, cannot be equated with physiotherapy. From your words I surmise that you are referring to active physiotherapy techniques, such as autogenic drainage or the active cycle of breathing techniques. In such a technique the person is required to inhale, hold its breath and exhale in a particular way, in order to collect, move and clean the secretions from the bronchial tree. The use of toys (e.g. blowing at a toy windmill) helps the child to practice some elements of the technique and to have fun during the physiotherapy session. The child has to learn, though, at some point in time to perform the technique in its entirety and as is, in order to achieve the best results. This cannot be achieved only by playing a musical instrument. One must devote time exclusively to the learning of the technique.
This is obviously a gradual process, which starts when the child begins to cooperate and ends when the child/adolescent can perform the technique with confidence, ease, effectively and efficiently.
I suggest that you discuss your views with the physiotherapist in charge of your child. I am certain that he/she can find ways to incorporate elements of the physiotherapy technique to be learned into the playing of a musical instrument, so that your child can have fun and practice the technique – in part at least – at the same time.
Yours friendly,
Konstantinos Katsoulakis