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Spouse or donor sperm

My boyfriend has cystic fibrosis. We want to have children. We proceeded to a semen analysis for him and for me a genetic test. For me, I do not have the CF gene. For him, we will have to appeal to an artificial insemination or IVF. But we would like to know if it has to be obligatory with a sperm donor or can be with the husband's sperm?
Dear questioner,

You raise a very relevant issue. Indeed, thanks to advances in medicine and care, more CF patients now want to start a family. In recent years, the Medically Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) offers new opportunities.

In general, in a man with CF, spermatozoa are still produced in the testicles, so microsurgical interventions help to draw them directly into the testicles or in the head of the epididymis (the sperm storage area on the side of the testicles). IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is then performed with ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection = technique of taking one spermatozoon and inject it directly into the egg, using a micropipette).

The specialized institution in which the semen was carried out should be able to confirm whether this procedure, using the husband's sperm, is feasible for your couple. Additional tests may be required.

You could find more information about these techniques, but also other opportunities for couples affected by cystic fibrosis, consulting:
 brochure published by “Vaincre La Mucoviscidose” (
 website "Assisted reproduction" of the Biomedicine Agency (

[comment: as this was a French question, those brochures are in French]

Also, if you (or your partner) are followed in a CF Centre, you could also talk with members of the team: most now have substantial experience in the management of reproduction for men and women with cystic fibrosis.

Hoping to have answered your question.
Laetitia Guéganton