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Types of CF

Are there several types of CF? If yes, which ones?
Cystic fibrosis is a well recognized disease. Its general characteristics are well described. You will find a clear description [in French] by clicking on the following link:
Beyond the common characteristics that make CF recognized as one disease in the International Classification of Diseases, types of CF (say, its expression, its symptoms, its " phenotype") varies from patient to patient in kind, intensity, association and evolution of signs of the disease. In fact, we can say that there are as many types of CF as there are patients. The expression of the disease is indeed the result of an interaction between innate factors (genetic) and acquired factors (environmental):
• Genetic factors are not confined to the CF genotype (the 2 mutations in the CFTR gene of the patient): the so-called modifier genes, different from the CFTR gene, can indeed modify the expression of mutations to boost or attenuate their effect;
• Environmental factors are also multiple: pollution, lifestyle, social and economic context, access to quality care, treatment progress ...
Then, the course of each patient remains singular and unique as the relationship established between the patient/parent and the multidisciplinary team to make the most appropriate decisions in each individual situation.
Hope that answers your question.
Please find more information on this topic using the following link:

D. d'Alquen