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Risk of lung function test

I am 35 years old and due to an unfullfilled wish to have a child a genetic testing has revealed a mutation (F508, a full sequencing will soon be done).
Because of my infertility (even if sperm ducts are present) my physician initiated a sweat test. Result 46 (control area). In the department of pulmonology, a lung function test had been performed. At first, there was no pathological finding. Everything was o.k.. As I suffer from allergic asthma, soon a CT of the thorax and an investigation of the upper abdomen is planned. Also blood values and stool are investigated at the moment (vitamins etc.). A further symptom: I have hippocratic nails. Otherwise I feel 100% fit and do not have any restricitons (besides that a nostril is closed chronically for 10 years).
All together, an atypical respectively mild CF?! At the moment, nobody knows anything precise.
To my question:
I have read that there is a risk of getting infected with a dangerous germ at a lung function test in a specialized center. These germs can do a lot of damage to CF patients. In spite of that I have been reassured that everything has been disinfected and patients with clinical findings do the test at other times than those with not such a clear situation, I am very insecure.
How great is the risk to get infected during the test via strong breathing and which consequences could this have respecitvely how can I realize it (first signs)?
Many thanks for your help!
Dear questioner,
in general, the risk of germ transmission in the lung function laboratory cannot be fully excluded, however has to be regarded as being very small. However, the general rules of hygiene should be followed there. In the frame of the measurement, special filters and mouthpieces are used, that are changed after every patient. Furthermore, the lung function labs are trained to strictly seperate patients from other patients with known problematic germs. The strength of inspiration however, has no influence on the risk of germ transmission.
The lung function is indispensable in the treatment of patients with an airway disease and the risk of transmission of problematic germs via the breathing maneuver is absolutely small. You should also pay attention to a sufficient disinfection of the hands after lung function testing when leaving the rooms.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Wolfgang Gleiber