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We are about to buy a flutter but we have seen that there are other devices especially GeloMuc®, for example.
The price difference is doubled while the devices appear to be the same based on the description we found.

Can you tell us the reasons for such a price difference? The GeloMuc® which is twice cheaper than the flutter, is it as effective? The French CF Association tells about the flutter in ist brochure.

Thank you.
actually thoses devices are based on the same principle: a ball creates vibrations during exhalation to fight against bronchospasm and help thinnig the secretions. No studies have proved these effects.
If GeloMuc® is cheaper, then take it to begin with it! Especially as you never have used it so far, you do not know if you are going to use it for a long time ... The feeling of having an effect depends on the individual patient.
Have a good day,
Charlotte Lacarrière