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Klebsiella in the throat

Klebsiella have been found in my throat swab and doxycyline has been prescribed 100mg, 10 tablets.
Can I presume that they will disappear after the treatment?
Dear questioner,
Klebsiella belong to the Enterobacteria and can indeed sometimes be found in the throat, without being an illness. In general, however, Klebsiella can also be the cause of infections, like a pneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumonia. It would be interesting to know, how many germs (here Klebsiella) have been found in the throat swab (single, moderate, plenty).
Generally, in case of such a finding, a control swab is recommended. In case of missing singns of infection, this should be done before initiating an antibiotic therapy.
I would recommend a control swab first of all.
Best regards,
Wolfgang Gleiber