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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Is there a mean age of primo-colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa for CF patients? After primo-colonization, is it possible to eradicate Pseudomonas for a long period of time or should patients expect chronic Pseudomonas infection immediately after primo-colonization? Thank you.

Age at first colonization with Pseudomonas is extremely variable among patients: it occurs sometimes at a very young age (in the first months of life), but may occur later in life in most patients and never in some patients for unknown reasons. Eradication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa after primo-colonization is a major achievement of antibiotics: it may prevent the development of chronic colonization for long period of times. However, in adult patients approxiamately 60% of patients have chronic Pseudomonas colonization.

Best regards,
Dr Pierre-Régis Burgel