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Vitamin E Dosage

Dear team,

yesterday, my general practitioner cautioned me about vitamin E. He said it could cause lung cancer and other side effects.

Therefore, my question is: based on the current state of knowledge, which vitamin E dosage (in IUs) is recommended for an adult CF patient with a complete pancreatic insufficiency and a weight of about 64 kg?

Of course, the pancreatic insufficiency is treated with a plentiful substitution with pancreatine.

Many thanks.

first of all, let me calm you down a bit. Although severe liver-related side effects are known with an extremely high dosage of vitamin E, this concerns long-term dosages in the range of several grams of vitamin per day. With CF, an age-dependent substitutional dosage of 100-400 mg per day is stipulated in the recognized guidelines. For an adult patient, the starting dosage would be 400 mg. One should then, under therapy, check the vitamin E blood levels to find out which daily dosage is actually required individually. With a good adjustment of the pancreatic enzyme dosage, more than 800mg will be needed only rarely.


Dr. H.-G. Posselt