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Mild CF mutation

I was tested for CF at Horemion Laboratory [Greece] and came up positive for a very mild mutation, which is considered neutral without pathological consequences. The geneticians, as well as my gyneocologist, told me not to worry and that it was not necessary for my husband to get tested because, even if he was positive for a severe mutation, the child would not have any problems, since the mutation traced in me is without pathological symptoms. What is your opinion?
Dear friend,
Since the mutation, which you do not mention by name, is neutral, without any pathological consequences, as you were told by the geneticians at Horemio Lab, it is the same as if you do not carry any CF mutation and your husband does not need to be checked. Even if your husband is a carrier of a severe (typical) CF mutation, which possibly could be inherited by your child, it would not have any consequence, even if it had inherited both mutations (your mutation without pathological symptoms and the typical mutation by the father).
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis