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I have two daughters, aged 3 and 1,5 years. They both have CF. The little one has not gained any weight for the last 3 months and weighs 11 kg. I have increased the creon following her doctors’ recommendations but to no avail. What is going on? Thank you.
Dear friend,
The answer is not so simple. One should evaluate the quantity of the fat and calory intake of the children and increase, in a progressive way, the quantity of the enzymes. One should also evaluate when, how and how much enzymes do the girls take, the quantity of which should not exceed a maximum of 10.000 UI/Kg/24 hrs. All the above are of special importance and should be assessed by a dietologist and your doctor.
The only thing I can suggest is a visit to our center to review the situation in person.

Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis