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Better lung function
- Question
- Hello,
I am suffering from CF and for one week I am doing with a lung trainer 10 minutes breathing exercises daily. Conclusion after one week: the FEV1 value has improved 7 points.
My question is, how far can one train the lung in order to achieve a "normal lung function" again in the frame of CF? My current FEV1 is 50% and 78% vital capacity at the age of 39 years. Additionally I do Yoga, no sports.
I am very enthusiastic that something is still possible in the direction of positive push via training of the lung.
Yours sincerely,
E. - Answer
- Hello E.,
the question about a lung trainer is asked frequently. These devices improve the breathing muscles, with that, the FEV1 is improving a bit. However, it is not possible with these devices to diminish the underlying defect, that means an inflammation of the bronchi. Therefore on the one hand the FEV1 is improving, that does not mean however, that the lung itself is getting "better". The breathing muscles around have been getting better. Therefore a lung trainer is indeed sensible, however, the "normal" CF-therapy should be continued by all means and the better FEV1 should hereby not mislead to carelessness.
From my personal view I would rather recommend, to do some endurance sports instead of using a lung trainer, however in the end everybody has to decide himself, which kind of physical strain he chooses. And the lung trainer is one possibility under many.
Best regards,
Rainald Fischer - 02.06.2014