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I’ve heard (by a service provider) about a new molecule named “Cayston®” that is used to treat CF adultes againt Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This molecule would be used with a new machine that will arrive on the market (or already has?). This person could not tell me more. I turn to you in order to have more information.
Thank you

CAYSTON® (aztreonam) is an inhaled antibiotic for the treatment of chronic pulmonary infection due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with CF.
The drug is available for adults since 2012 and for children older than 5 years since 2013.
In France, the summary of product characteristics states that "Cayston® should only be used with the Altera® Nebulizer and Altera Aerosol generator connected to a control unit eBase or eFlow rapid."

We are not aware of the arrival of a new machine for the use of this medicine.

Best regards,
Anna Ronayette
