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Following a discussion with Dr Ravilly (ex-Head of medical department, Vaincre la mucoviscidose) regarding magnesium (Mg) in CF, I would like to have an answer from her successor or from the head of research department.
My concern is the transport of Mg in the cell (and not only the level of Mg in the blood). Indeed, I already know a little bit about the running of Mg; Dr Ravilly had proposed me to talk about the topic with the medical team who takes care of my son, but they don’t know too much and are not interested.
The rate of erythrocyte Mg (not just serum) was done for my son and shows that it is not simply a lack of Mg in the blood but a default in the transport into the cell, perhaps due to a genetic specificity: TRPM6 ou TRPM7.
A Mexican study has shown some positives effects of a Mg supplementation for CF patients, I would like to know if Vaincre la mucoviscidose could help a young scientist interested in studying the link between TRPM and CF and the effects of Mg in the treatment of the disease.
It seems to me that if is possible to confirm the results of the Mexican study it would be a shame not to benefit patients.
Thank you for your kind attention.

A brief review of the literature on magnesium (Mg) and cystic fibrosis shows this:
- Presence of hypomagnesemia among CF patients (but we know that magnesium levels do not necessarily reflect intracellular stores, such as those of muscle);
- The trans-membrane transport of Mg out of the cell (efflux), especially studied in erythrocytes, is provided by an exchange "Na / Mg"
- the efflux of Mg via the carrier Na/Mg is increased in patients with severe CF, without correlation to genotype delF508, with an increase in Mg concentration of the sweat of patients with severe CF and restoration of the transport 1 year after transplantation
- a randomized, double-blind clinical trial with results published in the best nutrition journal (Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 96: 50-6) shows that Mg supplementation in a group of children with CF, not only increases urinary excretion of Mg but also improves several parameters of lung function and health status.

Thus, there seems to be a rational for a deficiency of intracellular Mg status and a Mg deficiency with potential impact on the health of patients with CF.

The French CF association “Vaincre la mucoviscidose” with its annual call for proposal, finances around 70 projects per year. The fields are diverse (infection, lung disease, genetics ...) to date a project entitled "Study of the involvement of TRPM7 in cystic fibrosis" (TRPM7 plays a major role in the homeostasis of magnesium) is financially supported by the association. This project will begin by the end of 2014.

Best regards

Virginie Colomb-Jung, M.D
Head of medical department
Vaincre la mucoviscidose
