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ISET method

I have already read, with attention, the last answer regarding the subject [], but I want to know if there a place in France where this test can be performed? Otherwise, do you have more information? Thank for your reply

There is no place where the test is offered to mums (neither in France nor abroad), this method is still at the research stage and the French patient organization “Vaincre la mucoviscidose” closely follows the progress of laboratories working in France, on alternative methods of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of the disease, performed with maternal blood.

Best regards

Virginie Colomb-Jung, M.D
Head of medical department
Vaincre la mucoviscidose
The mentioned ISET (=isolation by size of epithelial trophoblastic cells) method is a newly developed non-invasive prenatal diagnostic tool that allows to investigate if the fetus will be affected by specific genetic diseases (e.g. CF) that can be searched for. The method is based on investigating fetal cells circulating in the maternal blood, therefore only a blood sample from the mother is necessary and in contrast to testing by amniocentesis or chorinonic villous biopsy there is no risk for the fetus and the mother.
D. d'Alquen