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Oxygen saturation at night

Is it necessary to wear an oxygen mask with an average value of 91 (without mask)?

since you do not write whether you mean oxygen saturation or pressure, it is hard for me to assess this. Saturation is typically measured with a pulse oximeter; for the pressure (pO2), a blood gas analysis is required.

In most cases, on can consider a saturation of more than 90 to be "sufficient," provided that the values do not drop during the night. There are also some problems with which one should not aim at a saturation of more than 90. The rules – also for CF – are laid down in the the German Pneumology Association’s guidelines for oxygen therapy. In specific cases, this is only for a pulmonary specialist to decide who knows the patient and all her/his information. It would definitely make sense to record the oxygen saturation throughout the night once. This can be done with relatively little sleep disturbance through a small box one can take home and use during the night – then one will know whether the saturation drops at night.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner