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Do CF patients sweat more?

Dear expert team,

do CF patients sweat demonstrably more than healthy people or is this just a subjective feeling?

Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,

Excessive sweating is not implicitly typical for CF, however the predisposition to sweat is very different from human to human. However, it has to be taken into account that the amount of chloride and sodium ions in the sweat is higher in patients with CF compared to healthy people (therefore it is saltier) due to the genetic defect. This means, that in case of strong sweating, it can come to a loss of electrolytes (salt-losing syndrome). It has to be paid attention to an adequate salt intake, e.g. in case of physical activity (sport) or in case of high temperatures (hot summer, sauna).

Best regards,

Dr. med. Christina Smaczny