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Nasal vaccine despite colistin inhalation


can I have my child vaccinated with the nasal flu vaccine even if he inhales colistin?

Many thanks.

you are asking whether your child can be vaccinated against the flu with the nasal vaccine even if he currently inhales colistin.

Generally, the inhalation does not compromise the effect of a flu shot with the nasal vaccine in any way. However, the question is for which indication your child inhales colistin. If the inhalation was prescribed due to an acute infection, you should wait with the vaccination until the acute infection has worn off. This tip applies to vaccinations in general, which should be carried out while the patient is free of infections if possible. If the inhalation is part of a routine therapy done in intervals, you can have your son vaccinated immediately.

Kind regards,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt
This question was asked for the situation in Germany, where the nasal vaccine for Influenza is licensed for children aged 2-17 years. The national comission for vaccination (STIKO) recommends (latest update August 2014) the influenza vaccination for children with underlying chronic airway disease and proposes to prefer the nasal vaccine (attenuated life vaccine) instead of the intra-muscular injected inactivated vaccine for the age group of 2-6 years due to a better protection rate in this age group.
Contraindications are severe actue asthma and acute wheezing.
D. d'Alquen