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Borderline values for CF

We had a baby boy two months ago in Thessaloniki and the baby was tested for metabolic diseases (blood from the heel on a paper). Two days ago the clinic called for a retest for metabolic diseases. Our doctor said it was nothing to worry about because the value was 62 instead of 60 and it 99.9% we should not worry about CF. What do you think?
Dear friend,
You did some tests and the IRT was found positive both times, and the last value was borderline.
It is imperative that the baby does a sweat test to find out if it has CF. The chances of the baby having CF are at least 10%.
You need to contact immediately a hospital in Thessaloniki, where a sweat test is performed with iontophoresis of pilocarpine, mentioning that you have two borderline IRT tests, and ask for a sweat test.

Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis