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I heard about serrapeptase which could be effective for the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. I would like to have some information about this enzyme: could it improve the everyday life of my 3-year-old CF daughter? Has this enzyme got any side effects? Is it an interesting way for the treatment of CF?
Thank you in advance for your answer
Serrapeptase, or Serratio peptidase, is a protein secreted by the bacterium Serratia Marcescens. It would have an anti-inflammatory role, and some use it in ENT or dental pathology. An anti-infective role by action on the factors of virulence of bacteria and on the biofilm was also evoked. A recent review of the literature (1) finds few studies, and ends in insufficient data concerning the efficiency and the tolerance of Serrapeptase. Within the framework of the cystic fibrosis, we find no study on the use of this enzyme. In the absence of such studies, this treatment cannot be recommended.

Best regards,
Dr Michèle Gérardin

(1) Int J Surg. 2013;11(3):209-17
Serratiopeptidase: a systematic review of the existing evidence.
Bhagat S1, Agarwal M, Roy V.